The Guildonian Players Covid-19 Risk Assessment
1 Introduction
The Guildonian Players have a
legal duty of care to both its members and the public. This risk assessment is
for managing the risk of Covid-19 infection and is primarily based on
Government guidance:
Guidance for people who work in settings
related to events and visitor attractions
Stay at home: guidance for households with
possible or confirmed Covid-19 infection
It is expected that cast and crew will take extra precautions if they are within the Government guidelines categories of either clinically extremely vulnerable or clinically vulnerable such as limiting close contact with people they do not usually meet.
If cast or crew have symptoms, (a new,
persistent cough; a high temperature; or loses/has changes to their sense of
taste or smell) they should self-isolate and take a PCR test, even if these
symptoms are mild. This still applies if you have had one or more of the
Covid-19 vaccines. If tested positive for Covid-19 the self-isolation period includes
the day symptoms started (or the day the test was taken if they do not have
symptoms), and the next 10 full days.
They can stop isolating after the 10-day period if they no longer have symptoms or they just have a cough or changes to their sense of smell or taste as these symptoms can last several weeks.
If they live with a person who has the
virus, they need to self-isolate for 10 days starting from when the person
first became ill unless they are either fully vaccinated, below the age of 18
years and 6 months, taken part in or currently part of an approved Covid-19
vaccine trial or not able to get vaccinated for medical reasons. The Government
guidance on self-isolation can be found at:
It is recommended that groups of people working together be regularly tested. The cast and crew of each production shall therefore take a Rapid Lateral Flow Test before each Monday rehearsal in plenty of time to alert the production team of a positive result.
2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is
to state the measures The Guildonian Players will put in place to minimise the
spread of Covid-19 and ensure, as far as practically possible, the safety of
our cast, crew and audience.
This risk assessment will be
regularly reviewed in accordance with any new government guidance or The
Guilonian Players requirements.
3 Hazard
The hazard is the coronavirus
disease (COVID-19) which is an
infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The COVID-19 virus
spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an
infected person coughs or sneezes. People become infected by direct contact
with respiratory droplets from an infected person or by contact with
contaminated objects or surfaces.
4 Who might be harmed?
Anyone using the Guildonian
performance space.
5 Risks
The following risks and associated precautions against each risk have been identified.
5.1 Infection during travel
TFL are requiring all travellers to wear a mask.
5.1.1 Infection by inhalation via coughs/sneezes
Although no longer a requirement to wear a face mask it is recommended members helping with front of house and catering duties do wear a mask5.2 Infection from contact with contaminated surfaces
Coronavirus can be spread through contact with a surface or object that has
the virus on it. Cleaning helps minimise the spread.
Supplies of alcohol-based hand rub and
disinfectant wipes will be available throughout rehearsals, performances, front
of house, toilets and kitchens
Audience chairs will be disinfected between each
Tables used for catering and service points will
be disinfected between each performance
5.3 Equipment
Shared equipment/props increase
the risk of transmission.
Disinfectant wipes will be provided
The props master will regularly disinfect shared
The Guildonian Players operates a “closed set”
policy. No one other than cast and crew should have access to the stage, set
and props
5.4 Ventilation
It is advised to increase natural ventilation in enclosed
spaces where there are people present. Due to the volume of space provided by
the performance space this is not an issue during rehearsals but with the
increased numbers of the audience it is recommended to open windows where
possible to allow a higher flow and exchange of fresh air.
5.5 Spread of Covid-19 via/to the audience
Although it is no longer a legal requirement to collect
contact details it is advised to ask audience members who pay on the door or
over the phone to provide this (we will have contact details via online sales).
This will allow The Guildonian Players to alert visitors if there has been a
confirmed case of Covid-19.
Audience numbers will be restricted to avoid overcrowding.
5.6 Mitigating practices may not be observed if Guildonian members are unaware increasing the risk of infection for them and others.
Communication is a vital in
ensuring the safety of all Guildonian members. If the procedures and processes
are not properly communicated the risk of infection increases. This risk
assessment will be communicated to all members and made available to visitors.
A Whatsapp group will be created
for each production to allow cast and crew to raise an alert if they are
experiencing symptoms or tested positive. A plan of action will be considered
by the production team and the committee. Depending on when the notification is
received this may involve delay or cancellation of a performance/s.
For further information please contact:
Tony Szalai
Author of policy
Tel: 07969 387 232
Susie Faulkner