Saturday, 22 March 2025

84 Charing Cross Road - your Saturday Night Treat!

The week has flown past and we have delighted our audiences. And all too soon our final performance of this beautiful play has arrived. If you don't have other plans, why not pop along to The Little Theatre and join us this evening. Doors open 7.30pm and curtain up at 8pm. 

Call 07762 133620 to reserve tickets and pay on door - or purchase online at

Saturday morning postal trivia!

Some fun questions about the postal service over your Saturday morning coffee ... and to get you in the mood to see 84 Charing Cross Road at The Little Theatre at 2.30pm this afternoon, or 8pm tonight!

Have you got your tickets yet?

Call 07762 133620 to reserve tickets and pay on door - or purchase online at


Q1 What was a Bellman’s job?

Q2 What colour was the first trial post box?

Q3 Why do postboxes have a sort of lid shape in their design?

Q4  Where was the first postbox situated?

Q5  Why did the colours of postboxes change several times?

Q6 Was there ever a blue postbox?





1.    What was The Bellman’s job?

Before postboxes, The Bellman walked around the streets collecting letters from the public


2.    What colour was the first trial post box?



3.    Why do postboxes have a sort of lid shape in their design?

To keep the rain off!


4.    Where was the first postbox situated?

The Channel Islands – as an experiment, four were installed in Jersey.


5.    Why did the colours change several times?

The four trial postboxes on Jersey were green but subsequent ones were red. The four trial postboxes on Jersey were green but subsequent ones were red. In 1859 the colour for all post boxes was standardised as green, to be were unobtrusive.  Complaints were received by people having difficulty finding them and a return to red was specified in 1874. It took 10 years to complete the programme of re-painting.


6.    Was there ever a blue postbox?

Yes – specifically for airmail but only between 1930 – 1939

Friday, 21 March 2025

What great feedback! Don't miss our lovely production

So what are people saying about the show?

'Oh that was beautifully done! Congratulations everyone - such lovely sensitive performances and exquisitely staged. Wishing you all a thoroughly successful run - it's brilliant'

'Congratulations everyone on a fantastic show. What a beautiful piece of theatre. El - I’m in awe of you!' 

Call 07762 133620 to reserve tickets and pay on door - or purchase online at


8pm tonight and Saturday plus 2.30pm Saturday matinee

Spot the postbox - the answers!

Spot the postbox!

We took photos of five postboxes within a couple of miles of The Little Theatre

A clue is that they are either in Harold Wood, Gidea Park or Hornchurch … 

I am a King George postbox – near a royal sounding place.

Where am I?


Corner of Langtons, opposite The Queens Theatre, Hornchurch

I am also a King George postbox – near a military sounding hostelry. 

Where am I?


Gidea Park – Balgores Lane near The Drill

I am a lovely Victorian wall box, designed for rural areas. Not so rural anymore, but quite expensive. Where am I?


Emerson Park – just off Parkstone Avenue

I am an example of the Type K from Queen Elizabeth II’s reign.

Where am I?


Corner of Margaret Road, Heath Park – the house on the corner used to be a post office!

 The reign of Queen Elizabeth saw the biggest variety of boxes since the early Victorian experiments. In 1974 this cast iron variant was launched.

I too am a King George postbox five minutes from The Little Theatre …
Where am I?


Harold Wood in front of the park off Squirrels Heath Road 

We hope to see you at the play - performances at 8pm nightly Wednesday to Saturday plus 2.30pm Saturday matinee. Call 07762 133620 to reserve tickets and pay on door - or purchase online at 

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

A bit of Postal fun!

With letters and the postal service featuring so heavily in 84 Charing Cross Road, we've been running a couple of fun games of Spot the Postbox, and post related Trivia to get you in the mood.

Here are the postbox picture questions - answers will be posted tomorrow.

We hope to see you at the play - performances at 8pm nightly Wednesday to Saturday plus 2.30pm Saturday matinee. Call 07762 133620 to reserve tickets and pay on door - or purchase online at 

Spot the postbox!

We have taken photos of five postboxes within a couple of miles of The Little Theatre

A clue is that they are either in Harold Wood, Gidea Park or Hornchurch … 

I am a King George postbox – near a royal sounding place. Where am I?


I am also a King George postbox – near a military sounding hostelry. Where am I?


I am a lovely Victorian wall box, designed for rural areas. Not so rural anymore, but quite expensive. Where am I?


I am an example of the Type K from Queen Elizabeth II’s reign.

Where am I?


I too am a King George postbox five minutes from The Little Theatre …
Where am I?


And just like that ... It's opening night!

After two months of rehearsal its showtime and we are excited to bring you our production of 84 Charing Cross Road at The Little Theatre this week.  Here are some pictures from dress rehearsal to whet your appetite! 


    Tickets for this charming play are available online 

    or you can reserve to pay on door

    by calling or texting  07762 133620

    Wed 19 - Sat 22 March at 8pm nightly 

    plus 2.30pm Saturday Matinee