Our next show is the farcical comedy Moon Over Buffalo, by Ken Ludwig - and its going to be great evening's entertainment!
Set in 1953, while Charlotte and George Hay are on tour in Buffalo, New York (with a repertoire consisting of Cyrano de Bergerac and Noel Coward's Private Lives), they receive word that Frank Capra is coming to town to see their matinee! They might just have one last shot at movie stardom after all ...
With pratfalls, slamming doors and backstage shenanigans a-plenty, Moon Over Buffalo is both a hilarious whacky comedy in the old tradition, and a love letter to the stage and the larger-than-life personalities that inhabit the world of the theatre.
Show dates are 16-19 March, at 8pm nightly plus 2.30pm Saturday matinee. Tickets are £8 and you can buy online from guildonian-players.sumup.link or reserve to pay on the door by calling 07762 133620.
Don't miss this wonderful play!