Friday, 15 September 2017

It's panto time - come early!

A chance to see us performing Emma Stacey's short potted panto 'The Frog Prince' on Saturday 23 September at Brentwood Theatre! This is our entry in the 2017 Brentwood Catholic Theatre Club Festival and it would be great to have some of our regular Harold Wood audience with us. The festival has been running for several decades, starting life in Ilford, then Romford and has been held at the Brentwood Theatre since 2009. This year there are 14 different performances from Wednesday to Saturday by a variety of local groups - the full timetable can be viewed here.  Guildonians are performing at approximately 3.50pm, but the matinee begins at 2pm and a £10 ticket admits you to all the afternoon's performances. We do hope that some of you are able to come and enjoy a varied afternoon's entertainment, and in true panto spirit, hissing and booing the villain, and cheering us on!